Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory - Start here

For group: Safe and Active Genesee for Everyone

Welcome to the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory, a free online collaboration assessment.

This is an updated version of the tool with two new factors introduced in the recently published Collaboration: What Makes It Work, 3rd Edition. You can find more information and resources at wilder.org.

You will be completing an inventory for the following group:
Safe and Active Genesee for Everyone

Your responses will be added to the aggregate summary scores viewable by the person who registered the group.


Once you begin, you will see a link at the bottom of the page to interrupt and complete your inventory for this group at a later time. Clicking the group's link again to get to this page will only allow you to start a new inventory for this group. Note that partial completes will not be included in the group summary scores. Once you have completed the inventory, you can also bookmark your summary page if you'd like to view your personal summary scores again in the future.