Welcome to the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory, a free online collaboration assessment.
This is an updated version of the tool with two new factors introduced in the recently published Collaboration: What Makes It Work, 3rd Edition. You can find more information and resources at wilder.org.
When you register a group, this tool will help you assess how your collaboration is doing on 22 research-tested success factors. You will be able to log-in to view factor scores as well as item averages and open ended responses for your group's completed inventories. Please note, forms are entered into this tool anonymously, so you will not be able to track or identify respondents, view individual responses, or view summaries by respondent organization.
Register a group »Personal use
Complete a personal inventory just for yourself! You will be shown summary scores for each of the 22 collaboration factors as well as be able to view and print your individual responses.